Name 名称 Description 注解
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder 注意力缺陷障礙
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 注意力缺陷多動障礙
APE Adapted Physical Education 適應體育
CATS Career and Transition Services 職業過渡服務
DHH Deaf and Hard of Hearing 聾啞人和重聽者
DIS Designed Instructional Services – sometimes called related services such as Language and Speech, Adapted P.E., itinerant services fro the Visually Handicapped.
ESY Extended School Year (summer school or intersession) 延長學年(暑期學校或休會)
504 Section 504 of the American Disabilities Act 美國殘疾人法案第 504 條
Hughes Bill State Legislation re management of serious behavior problems of disabled students
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Act 殘疾人法
IEP Individual Education Plan 個人教育計劃
ITP Individual Transition Plan 個人過渡計劃
LCI Licensed Children’s Institution 持牌兒童機構
LD Learning Disabled 學習障礙
LEP Limited English Proficient 英語水平有限
LH Learning Handicapped 學習障礙
LRE Least Restrictive Environment 限制最少的環境
MH Multiple Handicaps 多重障礙
OHI Other Health Impaired 其他健康受損
OT Occupational Therapy 職治療
PL 94-142 Public Law 94-142 (reauthorized as IDEA) 公法 94-142(重新授權為 IDEA)
PT Physical Therapy 物理療法
RST/RSP Resource Specialist Teacher/Resource Specialist Program 資源專家教師/資源專家計劃
SDC Special Day Class 特別班
SESAC Special Education Student Assignment Coordination  特殊教育學生作業協調
SESU Special Education Service Unit 特殊教育服務單位
SIS Student Information System 學生信息系統
SST Student Study Team 學生學習團隊
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury 創傷性腦損傷
VH Visually Handicapped 視力障礙者